Duncan Ellis
May 2, 20232 min read
Cut the cable! Shade it, With Lutron Palladiom Wire-Free Shades
In the past, Wireless shades/blinds were a last resort. Fabrics weren't great, engineering was not fantastic - usually just 'adapted'...

Duncan Ellis
Apr 24, 20234 min read
Lutron Homeworks, wholehouse lighting systems...The benefits...and using a Certified Installer.
Our company is a Certified Installer and Registered dealer for Lutron's Homeworks QS/QSX systems. These systems, whilst can be used for...

Duncan Ellis
Apr 23, 20235 min read
To Automate or not to Automate, that is the question...
Home Automation is quite a large subject and often misinterpreted. Some people's automation is as simple as Amazon Alexa or Phillips Hue...